Wednesday, June 6, 2007



12:35 p.m.

Jack was wearing his favorite outfit: worn-out jeans, dark blue t-shirt, and a local baseball team's cap. His walk was slack, but steady. His feet were kicking the air at each step, and his arms, swinging around him as if he was dancing. Not that he knew how to dance or do any physical activity for that matter, but his growing confidence needed an outlet. He was always mentally singing a song, but this time it was one he didn't like and he couldn't manage to get out of his head. That annoyed him. But the gun hidden in his shirt reminded him he had an important mission to accomplish, and he couldn't afford to get distracted by foolish mind tricks.

He dissimulatedly looked back, a habit that he was trying to carry on, since the games got much harder to win. The first time he was hit from the back he was surprised; the second, he was mad at himself, because it wasn't a new stratagem anymore. He always had to look back now, even though this was an entirely new scenario.

He slowly started to get more aware of his surroundings-something that he should've done since the beginning-and they were quite unusual. The afternoon sun was high in the sky, and the summer heat was making his forehead get wet. The streets were crowded with people, but they didn't seem to notice Jack, minding their own business. They didn't look like AIs, anyway. The windowed buildings were strangely bright, reflecting the sun light and blinding the eyes. The weak wind gently teased with the trees, which slowly swayed back in a perfect choreography. Jack looked to the trees more intently now. They seemed to be greener than usual, to have more life, to be… more real. These were definitely features he was hoping to encounter in this new game.

Another striking new situation was that he was alone, and he had no radio to call for backup. Too bad! He liked his partner in his previous attempt to play this game. It was amazing how Artificial Intelligence had evolved to emulate almost perfectly someone's actions and interactions with the environment. He wondered what this game had prepared for him.

A sudden gust of wind caught Jack by surprise; then, as quickly as it came, it dissipated. What were his objectives again? He wasn't sure. He got too distracted. He made a mental note to himself to be more careful in the future about his mission's goals, but the answer couldn't be far. He vaguely remembered buying something in a store, but couldn't figure out what, where, or what for. He was reaching the downtown area now, where the International Government buildings were located. He looked back again. No one was following him.

There was something strange with the set of buildings that lay in front of him, but Jack couldn't pinpoint exactly what. He entered one of the buildings to locate his contact, agent Phillip. He had to clarify his orders, or else he wouldn't get anywhere. Mr. Phillip was the International Government agent designated by the game to give instructions to the players, whenever they needed. Although this was an entirely new setting, he was sure this was the place to find him. He past through the revolving doors and looked around, trying to find his way.

"What is the room for Mr. Phillip, please?" - He asked the lady from the information desk, "He's waiting for me."

"What's his department, sir?"

"What do you mean, what department? THE Mr. Phillip!" - Jack was confused; he didn't have to be that specific before. But he was told that things are never the same.

Offended by Jack's rudeness, the information desk lady gave him a sharp look. "Let me see if I find A Mr. Phillip in the building." - Jack quickly realized the he was being impolite; he shrugged. He didn't care that much. AIs were supposed to help him. After typing a few words and waiting for a few moments, a blinking message appeared to her. "Sorry, there is no Mr. Phillip here."

How can he not be there? He had reported to Phillip on his previous mission. Amazed by the information, Jack walked out of the building. With him gone, he would have to find other sources, other links. He would have to call everyone he met before to decipher this new mystery.

"Of course" - he exclaimed more loudly than he realized. It was clear for him now: his mission was to locate agent Phillip.

With his disposition invigorated, he started thinking on his next move. Suddenly, a dark BMW, with tainted windows stopped in front of the International Government building. A tall, well-dressed man with sunglasses came out of the car and was looking suspiciously to every direction. Definitely an AI, Jack thought. Then, four more men got out of the car, three were tall and heavy, with the same dark suits, and the other man was and wearing a blue suit. The body-guards clearly were protecting that agent. Time for action, Jack thought.

Jack approached the blue-suited agent, ignoring the body-guards, inquiring for the whereabouts of Mr. Phillip. He was immediately hindered by one of the body-guards, while the agent was still going toward the building. Looking for his badge in his pockets, Jack tried to catch up with the agent, but now two of the other body-guards were blocking and pushing him. He fell to the ground. He saw the body-guards proceeding with the agent, but one them was still threateningly waiting for him. He knew the game was supposed to be difficult, but this was getting ridiculous. Inflamed, he got up and, not having found his International Police badge, demanded to talk to the agent. The brute body-guard pushed him again, and told him to get lost. Jack went for his gun.

It all happened too fast. Shots were heard, people were screaming and running, and the automatic sirens from the buildings were on, activated by the gun fires. The blue-suited agent, along with his body-guards, ran for the safety of the building. Jack couldn't see anything but dark.


11:40 a.m.

"Wow!" - Jack exclaimed.

A dark screen was showing the words 'Game Over' and instructions how to improve his skills. It was the best game Jack has ever played. It felt like he was playing it for hours. No wonder he felt tired.

Taking off his virtual reality helmet, he got up from the bed. These Helmets provided much more comfort than the previous consoles of virtual reality. He could just lie on his bed, while his mind entered a world of action, fun, puzzles, or whatever the type of game was. Rubbing his eyes, he glimpsed Alex's still face on his computer monitor. It was his friend's message about the game he had just played, and he mentally decided to call him later that day to thank him. He couldn't call now, because he had to follow Alex's own advice and buy the game's training sessions, an extension that would allow him to play better next time.

Jack pulled open the curtains of his bedroom. The brightness outside of the window disoriented him for a moment. Adjusting his eyes, he put on his old jeans, changed to a blue shirt, and grabbed his wallet. With his cap still in his hand, he stormed out of his room. The game store was just a few blocks away, in twenty minutes he would be there and back again. Just the thought of playing it once more made his blood run hot and fast in his veins. It was a perfect Tuesdaymorning.

When he was just about to leave, he heard someone shouting his name.


9 a.m.

In a room, illuminated only by the outside morning sun, a call was waiting to be answered. Wakened by the noisy call alarm, Jack turned on his computer screen and, yawning, hit the answer button.

"Jack! Wake up, you lazy alligator," said a familiar voice booming out of the computer speakers.

It was Alex, his good old friend. They were high school best friends and kept in touch during college. Alex now lived in New York, working for VirtuallyGames, the biggest virtual reality game developing company nowadays. The advantage of having a friend who works in this type of business is automatically becoming its beta tester number one. Jack didn't want that as a career, but he didn't mind one bit to satiate his addiction for the games and to make a few extra bucks at the same time. Jack would usually answer that he was changing careers when someone asked him what he did for a living, but it had been several months since he moved back to his mother's house, in the Midwest, and never seemed too interested to try and get an interview for a job. He wouldn't follow his mother's advice to get a job in another law firm. "Too boring," he would say.

"Alex! It's you," Jack was rubbing his eyes, "do you know what time it is?"

"Here we've been working for hours already. Anyway, I thought that you'd like to be the first one to test our new game. It's the sequence for International Police Agency. There are tons of new features. Can you test it?"

"You don't have to ask twice. Just send it to me." - Jack was instantly fully awake. Alex has been promising this new game for months.

"I already did. Just download it to your Helmet and you're good to go."

"Alright! Will do!"

"Oh, just a few pointers." - Alex advised him, before he could hang up, "Whenever you're not sure what to do next, go to the International Government building and ask for Agent Phillip. He's your contact. You always have to report to him."

"Why wouldn't I know what to do?" Jack asked, in a melodramatic tone. He wasn't really mad at his friend, just the opposite, actually. His ecstasy grew at every new challenge he would have to face in the new game.

"Sometimes the game doesn't tell you everything. Part of the fun is having to figure things out by yourself," Alex said with a proud voice. He too couldn't hide his excitement about the new edition. "You have a partner now. You'll love this feature. He'll always be there for you, but learn how to use him."

Jack couldn't believe it. It couldn't get any better.

"And one last thing," Alex added, "you never play the same scenario again."

That should add extra difficulty, since Jack couldn't try a new approach to the same situation. Every time he died in the game, he would start over to face a new situation.

"If you die too many times, and I'm sure you will, buy the original International Police Agency training sessions. It will help you develop some skills for this one."

They said good-bye and Jack started downloading the new game right away. The bar gradually moved towards 100 percent. "This is a big one" - he thought. Playing with his fingers, he watched his computer monitor, while the bar reached half way through. If he was a cat, he'd be dead by now.

Forgetting to eat breakfast, he put on his Helmet and started the game. The download was complete.


12:15 p.m.

"Jack!" His mother called. "Where are you going?"

"To buy a new game, mom," Jack's mother didn't know the difference between a game and an expansion. That was more than enough information she needed. He thought that if he had said he was going to buy training sessions' expansion for the new version Alex had just sent, she would ask for even more explanation about it, which would take time that Jack wasn't willing to waste.

"Another game, my son! Why don't you try to find a job, or even go back to college, if you want… but games? You play games all the time now."

"That's what I like to do, and besides, Alex pays me for playing."

"But why don't you find a real job?" His mother asked, not expecting an affirmative answer.

"They are boring. Now, if you excuse me, I have a game to play," Jack said in a final and decisive tone, frustrated for wasting time.

"These games are so real, Jack. They play with your mind and could even be dangerous. You are getting so alienated from the world that you don't leave the house anymore, you don't talk to anyone, except Alex." His mother felt she wasn't keeping him much interested in the conversation and was losing the argument, but she wasn't about to give up yet. Those stupid shooting games were definitely changing his character, and messing up with his brain. "You never talked to your grandma again… You never talk to me," she said, already sobbing.

"I'm going out, aren't I?" He said, finishing the discussion and going for the door. She was getting so emotional that Jack felt sick. He didn't want to talk about that; because the longer he talked, the lesser he'd had fun playing the game. He left the house and slammed the door, but he heard his mother opening it again.

"One of these days," yelled his mother, following him out the house, "you'll be out here in the real world and you'll think you're in one of your games. Then," she added, crying now, "you might get yourself killed."

Ignoring his mother's words, Jack left the house. He looked up; it was past midday. The sun was high and dry, and everything was too bright outside the house. He put on his baseball cap, shading the blinding sun, completing what it was his favorite outfit, which he didn't wear for a long time. A gentle wind greeted him, welcoming him to the streets as he rushed to the game store.


12:30 p.m.

The training sessions' expansion came in a novel package. It was a gun. "That's a clever idea," Jack thought. The old-fashioned nine-millimeter-like gun looked very real, except for the connector cord which plugged directly into the Helmet. The cord would come out, though, for easy handling. He paid the cashier for the expansion and hurried out of the store.

Heading home, he analyzed his new acquisition. Holding the gun with both hands reminded him of the game. Its thrill was suddenly back in his mind. His heart was pounding faster and his hands were sweaty. He could feel the adrenaline rushing in his body. He quickly concealed the gun under his t-shirt, visualizing being the character in the game. He adjusted his cap down, loosened his shoulders, and steadily continued walking home. He found himself singing 'Born to Be Wild' in the back of his mind. He was not particular fond of that song, but he thought it fitted for the occasion. A most exciting adventure was waiting for him.

A Descoberta


"Por que aceitei esse trabalho, mesmo? Longe de casa, longe da família? As distâncias no espaço são imensuráveis; se mandasse uma mensagem para meus filhos, anos se passariam para eu ter uma resposta. Apesar do nível tecnológico que alcançamos, ainda não conseguimos o impossível. Somos um ínfimo ponto se comparados com a imensidão do universo. Não. Um ponto seria grande demais. Um átomo, talvez. Um elétron. Uma partícula".

"Há cem anos nunca imaginávamos poder viajar grandes distâncias em um curtíssimo tempo. Mas três anos é muito para se viajar no espaço, e para que? Para conhecer o desconhecido, encontrar novas civilizações, novas tecnologias? Apesar do programa espacial já estar em vigor há quase um século, com naves atingindo estrelas mais distantes, nunca encontramos uma civilização mais avançada que a nossa. Às vezes me pergunto de que adianta viagens espaciais se em cada lugar que encontramos não há nada de novo para aprender".

"Minhas ordens e objetivos ainda são os mesmos que os pioneiros das viagens espaciais não conseguiram cumprir: encontrar tecnologias desconhecidas para nós. Somos a raça que mais conhecimento possui do universo, pelo menos entre as que fizemos contato".

"Esta viagem tem alguma possibilidade de trazer algum benefício. Nossos sensores captaram que no planeta Psi Delta Rho 33372 C, no setor Dezesseis, octante Cinco-Delta da nossa galáxia existe uma civilização, que apesar de não ser tão avançada quanto a nossa, possui um recurso natural desconhecido pelos nossos computadores. Nossos sensores indicam que os habitantes desse planeta utilizam esse reserva natural para tudo: transporte, iluminação, subsistência. É uma espécie de combustível mineral. Lá em meu planeta natal, os pesquisadores estão ansiosos aguardando a descoberta".

"Mas eu não".

"Qual é a importância de tal recurso para nós? Sua composição química certamente seria de interesse. Talvez conseguíssemos sintetizá-lo, mas para que? Poderíamos com ele construir naves melhores para procurarmos outros minérios em sistemas mais distantes, que nos permitiriam por sua vez construirmos naves que atinjam planetas ainda mais distantes? É uma possibilidade. Mas onde queremos chegar? No fim do universo? Em universos paralelos? Teoricamente eles podem existir, mas será que existem mesmo? E, uma vez chegando lá, começaremos tudo de novo para aprender as leis que regem esse novo sistema? Ou encontrar esse minério é simplesmente mais um indício da estúpida curiosidade que avassala nossa raça? Quando iremos parar? Quanto será suficiente?".

"Não estou afirmando que a Tecnologia seja ruim, pelo contrário, ela possibilitou que nosso planeta melhorasse em tudo. Mas se, ao invés de buscarmos tecnologias e recursos de civilizações mais avançadas que nós, buscássemos conhecê-las melhor? Seria a ciência de um povo mais importante que o próprio povo? E sua história? O que os levaram a atingir determinado nível de desenvolvimento? Necessidade, escolha, sorte? Guerra? Como vivem e o que respiram? Como se reproduzem? Qual o nome que deram ao planeta em que vivem? Que costumes e tradições possuem e que transmitem de geração em geração? Isso eu me questiono, pois não aprenderíamos mais com a própria civilização do que com sua tecnologia?".

"Os últimos dados de análise que nossos sensores captados do planeta indicam que realmente a civilização ainda é muito primitiva. Não começaram a viajar pelo espaço; nunca encontraram uma outra raça alienígena, nem um equilíbrio entre avanços científicos e natureza; há fome, doenças, guerras, e superpopulação. Ótimos exemplos de como nosso conhecimento nos ajudou a evoluir. Esses problemas não existem mais em nosso mundo e são palavras do passado, que nossos avós contam que seus avós ouviram falar, e hoje, inimagináveis. Tentaremos obter um pouco do minério sem sermos vistos. Nossos sensores não foram capazes de dizer se nossa aproximação seria identificada ou não. Talvez com ele poderiamos melhorar nossos sensores?".


Subitamente, o alarme disparou.

- Droga, fomos detectados! Plano B. Ative o escudo. - Ordenou o comandante. - Não sabemos se haverá confronto, mas caso tentem atacar, sua tecnologia não será páreo para a nossa.

A nave chegou ao seu destino. Uma sombra de enormes proporções surgiu na superfície daquele mundo longínquo. Como previsto, ataques desesperados dos alienígenas foram atentados contra a espaçonave.

- Agora os alienígenas somos nós. - Comentou um dos oficiais.

Minutas aeronaves e mísseis foram lançados contra a gigantesca estrutura metálica que pairava sobre o planeta; porém, todo e qualquer esforço provou-se inútil contra seu escudo. A tripulação analisava a estratégia alienígena com curiosidade.

- Evidentemente são muito agressivos. - Observou um dos tripulantes.

Depois de horas de fogo hostil, a violência deu lugar a quietude.

- Mande uma mensagem para os governantes do planeta dizendo-lhes que não queremos nenhum mal. Marque um encontro em algum lugar do planeta longe de suas cidades. Vamos usar nossa nave de transporte para descer a superfície. - As múltiplas ordens do capitão puseram vários oficiais ao trabalho.


O comandante, junto com seus primeiros oficiais, saiu da nave de transporte com passos largos e decisivos. Novamente, a tecnologia desafiava seu cinismo. Além dos escudos individuais que iriam protegê-los de eventuais hostilidades dos habitantes deste planeta, a lingüística poderia traduzir suas palavras para a língua dos nativos, como havia feito ao enviar a mensagem.

Ao vislumbrar a enorme quantidade de alienígenas presentes, o capitão nada disse, mas os analisava com interesse. Sua primeira impressão foi a de que, como seu povo, os nativos eram extremamente curiosos, pois apesar do lugar ser aparentemente remoto, milhares deles estavam presentes. Com certeza, esse era o acontecimento mais importante de sua história.

O comandante não deixava escapar nenhum detalhe a sua volta e registrava suas conclusões em um gravador imperceptível a olho nú:

- Pelo número de representantes que se reúne à frente da população, nota-se que esse povo possui uma divisão política significativa. Nenhum deles parece ter influência direta sobre os outros, mas certamente existem líderes mais importantes, pois são os mais visados entre os presentes. Entre eles mesmos, observo muitas raças, assim como em outros tempos existia na nossa, mas que a história tratou de eliminar naturalmente: séculos de trânsito livre misturaram todos grupos étnicos. Eles parecem agitados e impacientes. Não é à toa que atacaram a nossa nave logo após nos identificarem. A tecnologia também é muito importante para eles, percebo inúmeras máquinas, pequenas e grandes, que só imagino que funções tenham. Será que também buscam saber os mistérios do universo? Os mistérios da ciência? Certamente se intrigaram com nosso escudo. Um forma de proteção tão básica pra nós e fantasticamente avançada para eles. Teriam eles interesse em conhecer a tecnologia do escudo? Para que fins a usariam? Buscariam a paz para as guerras que travam ou a usariam para aniquilar de uma vez o inimigo?

- Bom pouco disso importa agora. Estamos aqui para pelo seu minério. Ordens são ordens. Com um suspiro, o comandante terminou sua primeira análise da estranha civilização.


Para a população, aquela visão era surreal. Depois de décadas tentando descobrir se realmente estavam sozinhos no universo, em uma remota planície de seu mundo desceu uma enorme espaçonave e dela saíram três alienígenas, que tinham exigido um encontro com os líderes locais. Apesar de estarem silenciosos, parecem curiosos; analisavam os habitantes da mesma forma que eles os analisavam.

Os chefes de governos, decididos a quebrar o silêncio inquietante, dirigiram-se aos visitantes usando a língua comum do planeta:

- Para visitantes que sabem nossas línguas, vocês estão arrogantemente quietos. Por que agora não dizem nada? O que querem de nós?

O líder dos alienígenas, dando um passo a frente, respondeu no mesmo dialeto:

- Viemos em paz, se é isso que desejam saber, e de muito longe. Tão longe que não tentarei explicar a distância que nos separam no espaço-tempo, pois levariam mais de uma vida para lá chegar. - O alienígena fez uma pausa. Suas frases, em língua comum, eram tão bem construídas que causaram espanto para os milhares presentes. Quando as interjeições de surpresa cessaram, ele continuou:

- Estamos numa missão de descobrimento, pois, assim como vocês, buscamos entender o universo que nos cerca, e aqui, encontramos um enigma instigante, que nos aguça a curiosidade. - O alienígena fez outra pausa, como se esperasse uma resposta, embora nenhuma pergunta tivesse sido feita.

- O que uma raça, aparentemente tão superior, pretende encontrar aqui? - Um dos líderes finalmente perguntou.

- O minério que vocês utilizam. Nós não o conhecemos e queremos uma amostra para levar ao nosso planeta para estudá-lo. - Um murmúrio geral surgiu. Por que uma matéria prima tão comum e simples é tão interessante para uma raça notoriamente superior?

Os governantes começaram a conversar e discutir a exigência do alienígena. Minutos, que mais se pareceram horas, se passaram. O barulho dos presentes estava insuportável quando um pedido de silêncio foi feito. Eles tinham uma resposta:

- Vocês terão nosso minério. Mas nós? O que ganharemos em troca?

A resposta parecia estar na ponta da língua do visitante:

- O fato de saberem que não são únicos no universo não é suficiente? Daríamos muito mais em nosso passado para termos esse conhecimento. - Era um blefe barato, ele realmente não acreditava que poderia receber o minério sem dar alguma coisa em troca, mas não custava tentar.

- O que vocês fariam ou deixariam de fazer no passado não nos interessa. - Um dos líderes retrucou com gana. - Realmente não sabíamos da existência de outras raças, mas desconfiávamos que existiam. Porém, vocês nos desapontam. Se fossem uma raça assim tão avançada, por que chegam a novos planetas exigindo seus recursos sem esperar nada em troca? Não conhecemos nada sobre vocês, mas certamente, em seu lugar não faríamos propostas tão mesquinhas. - O governante fez uma pausa para aumentar o efeito de sua conclusão:

- Não vejo vocês como aliados em nosso futuro.

- O blefe do alienígena saiu pela culatra. Ele não esperava que fossem tão inteligentes. Sua mente treinada, porém, captou a importância de sua última frase. Depois de um curtíssimo tempo, apologeticamente respondeu:

- Desculpem-me se me mostrei mesquinho. Não era minha intenção menosprezá-los. Gostaríamos muito em participar de seu futuro. Digam o que querem e verei com meus oficiais se uma troca é possível. - Defendeu-se o alienígena.

- Como podemos pedir aquilo que não conhecemos. As únicas tecnologias que são evidentes para nós é o escudo que defende a sua nave e também seu tradutor. Mas fora isso, não sabemos mais nada de vocês. Para começar, onde é esse lugar 'tão longe' de onde vocês vêm? - O tom cínico do líder local pareceu penetrar fundo nos escudos dos alienígenas. - Como se chama a sua raça? Qual é o nome de seu planeta?

O líder dos alienígenas pareceu agora mudar de postura, mas não sabia o que dizer. Estava em uma espécie de dilema. Em vários instantes, discutiu e trocou informações com seus oficiais, tentando decidir o que fazer ou como responder. Longos minutos se passaram. O comandante demonstrava agora estar menos apreensivo, mais aliviado. Voltou-se para os líderes com um tom de voz fraternal.

- Desculpem-me pelas nossas atitudes. Tínhamos ordens para buscar novas tecnologias e encontramos seu minério. Mas notando a inteligência de sua raça, conversei com meus oficiais e eles concordaram comigo em mudar de planos. Com certeza ainda gostaríamos de levar um pouco de seu minério, para podermos estudá-lo, mas sem antes poder ficar e conhecer melhor sua raça, seu planeta, e sua cultura. Gostaríamos de aprender sobre sua gente e de ensinar sobre nossa.

Novos momentos de indecisão e incertezas. Os líderes locais conversaram e discutiram entre si. Por fim, chegaram em um acordo.

- Aceitamos sua nova proposta. - disseram em tom eloqüente - acreditamos que vocês poderão aprender muito conosco, assim como nós com vocês. Nossos futuros finalmente parecem que serão de cooperação.
Aplausos e gritos de aprovação surgiram da multidão. - Mas não respondeste nossas perguntas. Quem são vocês? De onde vêm?

Com um ar de satisfação, o líder dos visitantes respondeu:

- Meu nome é André, e venho de um planeta que chamamos Terra.

About the Author

My photo
Originally from Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil